
How to Raise an Adult, Julie Lythcott-Haims
Who Gets In and Why, Jeff Selingo

TED Talks & YouTube Videos
Julie Lythcott Haims (former Stanford Freshman Dean), Julie Lythcott-Haims: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting | TED Talk
Malcolm Gladwell, Why Did I Say "Yes" to Speak Here? | Malcolm Gladwell | Google Zeitgeist
William Deresiewicz Breaking out of the Educated Flock

The Key with Inside Higher Ed The Key - A Podcast With Inside Higher Ed
Bootstraps: Merit, Myths, & Education Bootstraps: A Podcast Series | EdSurge Guides
College Admission Brief COLLEGE ADMISSION BRIEF on Apple Podcasts

Standardized Testing
CollegeBoard College Board
FairTest - Test optional: FairTest | The National Center for Fair and Open Testing

Financial Aid
WUE: Save On College Tuition | Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)
FAFSA: Federal Student Aid
CSS Profile CSS Profile
"We hope you find useful insights in this list of resources we have gathered through our experience as parents and our ongoing professional development. As the college admissions landscape changes, we will continue to update this page." ​
- Liz & Janet